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BrightSpace Media wants to provide you with quality images, excellent custom service and real estate photography offerings that add value to the marketing of your home or listing in Jacksonville Florida or surrounds areas. Our residential photo packages are for single-family homes and are recommended for properties under 4,000 square feet.

For commercial properties, including multi-unit apartment buildings or properties over 4,000 square feet please contact us for a custom quote. 

Our real estate photography packages are an affordable way to market your property and the pricing is simply based upon the square footage of the home. 

ALL PHOTO PACKAGES INCLUDE: Interior & Exterior daytime photos, hi-res and MLS optimized photos, blue sky replacement, and color correction.


Photo Delivery the next business day. Video delivery is 2-3 business days.

On-site time is usually between 1-2 hours.


Travel Fee:

25 miles +

Photo Package Add-Ons

These photo package options are available with the purchase of any residential photo package. You can mix and match your options to create a real estate marketing solution that meets the needs for your property. If you need help deciding which options are right for you, please contact me. 

Residential Property Video

BrightSpace Media's residential property videos are crafted for our clients that want their property marketed in a more compelling way. We offer a couple of interior and aerial video options. We offer drone aerial and video footage for all homes that are not within restricted airspace.

All property videos include (depending on package):  Exterior, Interior with drone footage, music, video editing, property address text, unbranded video delivery as an MP4 file. You also receive one complimentary video revision. Delivery is done in 3-4 business days.​

Commercial Photo Packages

BrightSpace Media offers packages for commercial properties including warehouses, offices, manufacturing, retail, resturants, hotels, resorts and mult-unit apartment buildings. Please contact us for a free quote. We look forward to working with you.

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